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Adobe cs4 master collection
All the application included in this suite are the best choices in their relevant fields like Adobe Photoshop CS4 is top choice for editing your photos. This application can be used for creating visually stunning photos and posters. When it comes to videos, this Master collection provides you Adobe After Effects CS4 which is the top choice of the video editor to edit their videos and add special effects. Adobe InDesign CS4 is an application for the desktop as well as print publishing. This software can be used for creating newspapers, magazines and flyers etc. It has also got Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 which can be used for developing the websites easily. You can also download Adobe Master Collection CS6.
As an example, from Eq. (4), when a fiber with a NA of 0.48 is used, the corresponding collection efficiency would be 3.37%. To prevent heavy Fresnel loss at the glass/air/fiber interface, which is about 4% of total signal transmission,20 index matching oil was applied between the microchannel and the fiber tip. The use of index matching oil not only compensates for the Fresnel loss but also prevents physical contact between the polished fiber tip and the cover glass which could scratch the surface of the fiber tip. 2ff7e9595c